Making a Smart Home From the Ground Up
One of the key benefits of investing in technology is that it brings about innovation that is almost always an improvement over the current technology. What is regarded as the de facto standard today could be obsolete technology within a week. That’s how fast technology has been moving ahead in certain disciplines. Home automation is one of them. And that means that homeowners should make sure that the wiring and connections in their homes are capable of handling home automation and of delivering modern telecommunications and entertainment.
How To Reduce Echo and Reverb In A Room
If you have spent any amount of time in a building or room with large, empty walls and hard floors, you will have noticed the unmistakable echo and reverb of the sounds bouncing back off them. This can leave the sound seeming poor, making the listening experience less pleasurable or effective.
Remarkable things that have been done with sound
Sound is one of life’s constants, so much so that periods of silence have become all the more noticeable. However, aside from its everyday uses like music from ceiling speakers or announcements over tannoy systems, other strange things have been done with sound; some of which have led to some interesting medical military and artistic applications.
If you read these out load and you may not believe your ears, as we take a look at some of the weird and wonderful things done with sound!