The IA800-2C connect amplifier is powerful enough to directly drive 70V line speakers without any line matching transformer. It delivers up to 80 watts per channel power at 4 ohms and can be connected to 2 channels. The connect IP interface of the connect amplifier allows you to control your audio system from a distance, transfer firmware and audio files, and track the condition of the sound system from a remote location. It features 2U rack design which fits universally with most racks and delivers up to 93% energy efficiency.
The device uses an RJ-45 input for IP communication. IP interface can be accessed from any device with an internet connection and a webpage browser but on the same network as that of the amplifier. It features an output impedance of 600 ohms and an input impedance of 20 k ohms. The installation amplifier Features a frequency response ranging from 5 Hz to 50 kHz and comes with an SN: R ratio of -100dB.